Human Resources

Supervisor Resources

2025 Trainings

2024 Trainings

2023 Trainings

2022 Trainings

Dear CIRES Supervisors:

As CIRES HR works on developing a Training for Supervisors to be delivered in person at our different sites, we thought it might be useful to gather informational resources, and create a guide to better support your supervisor duties.

CIRES HR's Guidance Notes for Supervisors includes specific recommendations on how to be a successful Supervisor here at CIRES, and two brief but valuable articles, hand-picked for you for their brevity, relevance, and applicability in your roles and our organization:

Also, please keep in mind that the university offers training sessions for supervisors and those in leadership roles. A list of the trainings offered by central HR is available here: Courses of specific interest for supervisors are listed under Leadership Development and Manager’s Academy, among others. If you need assistance in determining which courses are right for you, please let us know.

We hope that you will find value in these resources and we invite you to reach out to us with any questions or concerns at

Thank you!

Your CIRES HR Team

Angela Knight
Human Resources Director
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
University of Colorado at Boulder
Direct: (303) 492-1227